To the Teacher -- The concept of modulation is presented in an entertaining way in the Note People Story, Chapter 15. The Circle of Fifths is introduced, notes visit their "neighbors" next door and return home again. Fast finger exercises promote left hand agility. Double stops and vibrato are continued. Further "Musical Math" exercises encourage good bow direction in the upper half and lower half. Bow exercises for beginning well, finger flexibility, string levels and clear tone are emphasized. Bow strokes include mixed bowings, slurs and staccato. The interval of a 5th is studied and leads to recognizing major and minor thirds and triads. Book 4C includes 9 duets and 9 piano accompaniments, also music by Poldini, Leopold Mozart, Schumann, W.A. Mozart, Bartók, J.S. Bach, Haydn, Purcell, C.P.E. Bach, Clementi, Handel, Rossini, Gilbert & Sullivan, Brahms, Dvorak and Telemann. Order this book online from: SHAR MUSIC Return to Contents Continue toSpecial Features About Shirley Givens Where to find 4D Sample Pages the Violinland books Home |